60-minute individual video therapy session is $220
90-minute individual video therapy session is $300
I have a limited number of reduced rates on a sliding scale available to folks who need it.
Financial privilege means different things to different people and it can be a confusing thing to know where to accurately place yourself on a sliding scale. This article on class and economic justice is a great guide and tool on where/how to place yourself on the class and sliding scale spectrum, and "The Green Bottle" diagram is a helpful visual, located about halfway down the article.
If you need financial accommodation, please read the above linked article and let me know when we connect so we can discuss what is rate is possible and available to us at this time.
We re-evaluate the therapy rate when financial circumstances change for you or me.
Therapy cannot work without honesty. I trust my clients to use the honor system and pay the $180 therapy rate when you are able, and to ask for a reduced rate when you are not able. The financial part of therapy is just as important as other issues we talk about in therapy, so let's talk about it if/when needed.
A portion of the therapy rate you pay goes to:
1) Direct Aid to front-line community based and autonomous groups, organizers and individuals rather than non-profit organizations and charities for reasons explained here, here, and here.
Priority direct aid goes to Indigenous individuals and collectives in different parts of Turtle Island because we are occupying their land, and the remainder goes to other marginalized individuals and collectives occupying Turtle Island; and
2) Community Mental Health Fund which helps the community of folks I work with (including you if you become a client), access extra, needed mental health resources & supports.
Some things the Community Mental Health Fund has directly funded:
Art supplies
Food delivery
The Pleasure Course
Subsidized therapy sessions
I require payment by e-transfer before the start of each session. I provide a receipt within 24 hours of service.
If you have extended healthcare insurance coverage, you can submit the receipt as an insurance claim and your health plan provider will reimburse you directly.
Extended healthcare insurance coverage ranges from plan to plan, so be sure to check that your insurance covers the Registered Psychotherapist designation or psychotherapy services.
You may also want to ask your insurance provider how much mental health services you are covered for each year so you can budget for your therapy as needed.
I recognize that even with sliding scales and reduced rates, psychotherapy remains financially inaccessible for many folks.
One option I offer to folks who want to work with me and can't afford the rate, is group therapy with me, which can be just as, or more therapeutic than individual therapy, and more financially accessible, for example, $80 per 90-minute session. If this is of interest to you, please let me know and I'll add you to the waitlist.​​
I am working on other creative and sustainable ways for folks to access some of the transformative tools and experiences that therapy provides. Check back here for updates.
For immediate mental health resources including low-cost therapy options, see my Resources page.