If you're feeling triggered or anxious:
1) Place your hand over your heart
2) Close your eyes (only if this feels okay and safe)
3) Notice the feeling of your feet connecting with the earth
4) Take 5 deep, slow belly breaths
5) Say "I am safe in my body right now" in your mind
To power-down if hyper-aroused (urge to fight or flight):
Do some physical movement that is not threatening or damaging
Do a soothing chore or activity like dishes, sweeping, tending to plants
Walk/dance/stretch/jump/exaggerate facial expressions in the mirror
Breathe deeply and slowly
Put on a low energy, calming show
Listen to Nature soundscapes on YouTube or apps
To power-up if hypo-aroused (urge to hide or play dead):
Sit up, not slump
Kick legs, swing arms, get blood flowing
Run on the spot
Push against a wall
Stretch, wiggle, dance
Exhale with energy
Whatever active motions your body is able to safely do
5 Senses Exercise:
Stop and identify 5 things you can see; 4 things you can feel; 3 things you can hear; 2 things you can smell; 1 thing you can taste
Free flowing body movement - check out the body movement videos shared by Yvette Lalonde on IG and modify your movements to your own body's capacity and ability
Guided Relaxation by Kali Munro - 5:48 minute audio clip
Grounded Meditation by Kali Munro - 16:40 minute audio clip
Play your favorite music or play video games or anti-stress apps or any preferred mental health app such as Calm
"Between Sessions: Healing From Home" - 50 strategies to help regulate the nervous system - webinar by therapist Summer Forlenza ($97, lifetime access) - not an endorsement and I don't benefit financially or otherwise by suggesting this resource
More to come
The more that we experience co-regulation the better we get at self-regulation, with therapy being one on-purpose space to experience this. The purpose of this page is to provide tools and resources to help self-regulate and manage distress. I do not list organizations or people looking to sell products or services from a profit motivation and I do not get any financial or other kind of personal gain from sharing the paid resources listed here. If you know of some helpful resources that you think should go on this list, please email me at